Golf Etiquette for Junior Golfers

Golf Etiquette for Junior Golfers

Setting up Junior Golfers for Success

The two important aspects that go hand and hand in junior golf is sportsmanship and etiquette. We believe that children should have fun when golfing and demonstrate sportsmanship to themselves and other golfers, as this creates a phenomenal student of the game. Today we are going to be talking about golf etiquette because of how important it is to learn how golf should be played and how you should conduct yourself at the golf course.

Proper Childrens Golf Clothes

At a young age, children need to be taught that proper dress-wear, from their feet to their head, is not optional for golfers. Here at All Kids Golf Clubs, we make dressing up for the course something to look forward to. We offer a huge selection of children’s golf clothes to make your kids look like the pros. From shoes all the up to hats and visors, your kids will be able to piece together golf outfits that they love.

With big brands such as Nike, Adidas, and Puma filling our website, even the pickiest of kids will be satisfied here. All of our children’s golf clothes come in styles and sizes for any age between toddlers and teens. Each item is athletic fitting, comfortable, stylish, and as we said, professional.

Taking Care of The Golf Course

Take care of the course and the course will take care of you. At a young age it's a great time to teach your junior golfer the proper habits because it will stick with them for life. Taking care of the course is a great habit to obtain.

Whether you made a divot on the fairway or hit your ball into the sand bunker, both require a certain repair. The best way to handle the divot is to take the grass chunk you just hit and put it back into the divot and pat it down with your foot lightly. The sand bunker should be raked and left in a condition where you can't see your swing impact on the sand.

Now, one thing that we teach all of our junior golfers is "leave the course better than you found it." So, what we mean by this is, if you see a divot you didn't make, you can still fix it and leave the course in a better condition than you found it. This is what we call being a leader.

Keeping Up A Healthy Game Play Speed

There is always a fine balance between playing golf too fast and playing your golf game too slow. There is always a balance and the best way to follow this balance is to be ready to go and pay attention. If there are people say 200 yards out from you and you can still see them, we would say don't tee of yet. Although a lot of junior golfers can't drive 200 yards yet, it's the respect aspect that we are preaching here. A good rule of thumb is to tee of when you can't see the group of golfers in front of you.

When it is your time to tee off, be ready to go, this means be focused, not on your phone, not fooling around, and focused on playing your best. If you're watching someone else tee off, the same rules apply because you don't want to negatively impact their focus when it's their turn.

If you stay focused and practice these few routines, you will maintain a healthy pace when playing golf and it will set you up for success on the golf course. Be focused, off your phone, and you can smile, as well as have fun still while playing without any online devices or phones.

Creating A Future Junior Golfer Champion

Golf etiquette is very important and is understanding, learning, and modeling your golf game around it will set your junior golfer up for a lifelong of success on the golf course. The golf etiquette guide we provide to you is very simple and follows these steps, which should be built into a habit. Learn about golf trends.

  • Proper Childrens Golf Clothes: Golf clothes do matter. Your junior golfer should wear a polo, golf pants, golf shoes, and a belt. Some golf courses won't let you in without a polo. Improper gear like baggy clothes will hinder your swing and something like skateboard shoes, will leave you with less grip and your junior golfer will not play his best.
  • Taking Care of The Golf Course: Take of the course, and the course will take care of you. Fixing divots, sand bunkers, and anything else you see on the golf course will set your child up to be a champion. This is important because a healthier golf course will allow you to play better.
  • Healthy Game Speed Play:  When it is your time to tee off, be ready to go, this means be focused, not on your phone, not fooling around, and focused on playing your best. If you're watching someone else tee off, the same rules apply because you don't want to negatively impact their focus when it's their turn.